Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New Foods: Prickly Pear Fruit

I love cactus!  Isn't this prickly pear fruit sooooo pretty?  The color is amazing!

Nopales salad is one of my favorite foods, but I had never eaten the fruit of the cactus before! (I had been tempted to when I saw one growing on my neighbor's cactus when I used to live in California, but my husband was like, "Keep moving!")

I forgot to take a picture of this  BEFORE I started eating it, but the picture above is the very last slice (sitting in the dish) and the peels.  The flavor was actually quite subtle, not that sweet, and not that distinctive.  There are round black seeds embedded in the fruit which I swallowed (I hope that is OK) and those give the fruit an interesting texture.  When I picked up this fruit, I saw some directions that said cut off both ends of the fruit, cut it in half lengthwise and then peel the skin off.  I didn't know if I was supposed to peel the skin off with a knife like you do with an apple, but then I quickly realized there is a softer layer between the center and the peel where you can separate the peel and the fruit quite easily by just pulling.

I ate the whole thing by myself as a snack, but I think most people use them in recipes, and it seems that most people like to use the fresh juice in things.

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