Friday, October 24, 2014

More Chloe!

I have a crush on vegan chef  Chloe Coscarelli (see previous post here), even though I haven't actually made any of her recipes yet!  I just think she's so gracious, I love her message, and obvi she's super cute.  So I was really excited when I saw her make a guest appearance on another blog I follow, Marie Forleo!

Marie focuses on inspiring entrepreneurs, and she interviewed Chloe about how she built career.  In the process, Chloe talks about her own wannabegan approach to food! "It's my goal to show people that hey, this food is actually good, and it can make you feel satisfied, and it's not something that you have to commit to 100% of the time if you're interested in it so I like to think of it not as an all or nothing, you're either an extreme vegan or nothing, I like to think that you can eat vegan once in a while... and maybe you start to like it!"

Check out her vegan recipes online, or go out and get one of her cookbooks!